The announcement of Roshan Afghanistan Online University (RAO University) in connection with the release of Mr. Kakar, the former vice president of university student affairs
Awareness to the scientific community and people of Afghanistan!

If you are aware, Mr. Javed Noorzad Kakar was actively and voluntarily present in this institution since the establishment of the university until he was arrested by the Taliban for “collaborating with Roshan Afghanistan Online University”; Therefore, the leadership board of the university expresses its gratitude and thanks to the functions of Mr. Kakar as one of the defenders of the education rights of deprived women of Afghanistan and one of the influential staff of Roshan Afghanistan Online University.

Together, the leadership board of Afghanistan Roshan Online University appreciates and thanks for the companionship, standing, consolation, solidarity and unquestionable support of all the colleagues of Afghanistan Roshan Online University, the academic and academic community, civil and human rights institutions, members of the media and all the spiritual supporters of the online university. Afghanistan clearly declares that:

Fortunately, Mr. Javed Noorzad Kakar, the former Vice President of Student Affairs of Roshan Online University of Afghanistan, has been released from Taliban custody on bail and has returned to his family. But unfortunately, Mr. Kakar, considering personal reasons and social circumstances, has resigned from the position of vice president of student affairs of this institution, and after that, he no longer cooperates with Roshan Online University of Afghanistan.

Roshan Online University of Afghanistan, while observing the miserable educational situation of its country, considers itself committed to the dissemination of knowledge without discrimination and prejudice, and the realization of fair education, and continues its activities in line with the transfer of knowledge and awareness in an independent, impartial and voluntary manner.

Hoping for a day when learning and teaching will not be a crime in our land.

With respect
Leadership Board of Roshan Online University of Afghanistan

اعلامیه دانشگاه آنلاین افغانستان روشن (RAO University) در پیوند به رهایی آقای کاکر، معاون پیشین امور محصلان دانشگاه
آگاهی به جامعه‌ای علمی و مردم افغانستان

چنانچه مستحضر هستید آقای جاوید نورزاد کاکر از بدو تأسیس دانشگاه الی بازداشت شدن شان توسط طالبان به دلیل «همکاری با دانشگاه آنلاین افغانستان روشن» در این نهاد بگونه‌ی فعالانه و رضاکارانه حضور داشتند؛ از همین‌رو، هیئت رهبری دانشگاه از کارکرد های آقای کاکر به عنوان یکی از مدافعان حقوق آموزش زنانِ محرومِ تحصیل افغانستان و یکی از کادر های تاثیرگذار دانشگاه آنلاین افغانستان روشن ابراز سپاس و امتنان می‌نماید.

روی‌هم‌رفته، هیئت رهبری دانشگاه آنلاین افغانستان روشن ضمن تقدیر و تشکر از همراهی، ایستادگی، دلجویی، همبستگی و حمایت‌های بی‌شائبه تمام همکاران دانشگاه آنلاین افغانستان روشن، جامعه علمی و دانشگاهی، نهاد های مدنی و حقوق بشری، اصحاب رسانه‌ها و همه حامیان معنوی دانشگاه آنلاین افغانستان روشن اعلام می‌دارد که:

خوشبختانه آقای جاوید نورزاد کاکر، معاون پیشین امور محصلان دانشگاه آنلاین افغانستان روشن با قید ضمانت از بند طالبان رها شده است و در کنار خانواده خود برگشته اند. اما با کمال تأسف آقای کاکر با درنظراشت دلایل شخصی و شرایط اجتماعی از سمت معاونت امور محصلان این نهاد کنار رفته و پس از این با دانشگاه آنلاین افغانستان روشن همکاری ندارند.

دانشگاه آنلاین افغانستان روشن ضمن رصد وضعیت اسفبار آموزشی کشور خود را متعهد بر تعمیم دانش بدون تبعیض و تعصب، و تحقق آموزش عادلانه دانسته، و در راستای انتقال دانش و آگاهی بگونه‌‌ای مستقل، بی‌طرفانه و رضاکارانه به فعالیت خویش ادامه می‌دهد.

به امید روزی که آموختن و آموزاندن در سر زمین ما جرم نباشد.

با احترام
هیئت رهبری دانشگاه آنلاین افغانستان روشن

Awareness to the People and Scientific Community of Afghanistan!

According to the disheartening information received by the leadership committee of the RAO University, Mr. Jawid Kakar, the Deputy for Student Affairs of the RAO University , has been detained by the Taliban intelligence in Kabul province.

The RAO University of Afghanistan condemns this illogical and unfair act to the people of Afghanistan and declares that:

The RAO University has been operating independently for the past year with the efforts and collaboration of its faculty members inside and outside Afghanistan, without any political, financial, group, or tribal affiliations, and rejects any discrimination and prejudice. This institution, in cooperation with honorable and willing professors and independent scientific staff, has been providing education online to thousands of deprived students solely for the advancement of scientific knowledge in Afghan society. Unfortunately, the Taliban government has misrepresented the issue of science, education, and knowledge dissemination by involving it in political matters that have no relevance to educational affairs.

Therefore, the RAO University demands the release of the Deputy for Student Affairs from the custody of the Taliban. It also urges the relevant authorities of the Taliban government to distinguish independent and non-affiliated educational and scientific institutions from political entities and affiliated organizations.
Furthermore, it calls for the prevention of creating fear and terror among the scientific community to avoid the exodus of intellectual and academic resources from Afghanistan.

The Leadership Committee of RAO University.